Thursday, May 16, 2019

Many Cases of Measles Due to Lack of Vaccinations

Many Cases of Measles Due to Lack of Vaccinations

Image result for doctor shotAt least 704 people have become sick this year due to a highly contagious and serious disease, measles. This year has had the greatest number of cases in a single year in the past 25 years. It represents a huge setback after measles was declared eliminated in the United States in 2000. More than 500 of the people infected in 22 states were not vaccinated and 66 people have been hospitalized due to measles. More than one-third of the cases are children younger than 5 years old. Since people are choosing to not vaccinate their kids many more kids are getting sick. Misinformation has spread many places about the safety and effectiveness of the measles, mumps and rubella vaccine, officials said.
Image result for measles clipartThirteen outbreaks have been reported in 2019, accounting for 663 cases, or 94 percent of all cases. We define an outbreak as three or more cases of a certain disease. Half of those outbreaks were associated with close-knit religious or cultural communities that were under-vaccinated, accounting for 88 percent of all cases.

Alex Azar is Health and Human Services Secretary of the United States. He said, "We have come a long way in fighting infectious diseases in America, but we risk backsliding and seeing our families, neighbors, and communities needlessly suffer from preventable diseases." There are no treatments and no cures for measles, CDC Director Robert Redfield said.

Most of those sickened in this year's outbreaks are children younger than 18, he said. In recent years, anti-vaccine groups have spread incorrect claims about the safety of the vaccine. They minimized the dangers of measles. CDC officials blamed misinformation for low vaccination rates in some communities now hit by the outbreaks.
Image result for anti vax clipartMeasles, like many illnesses, can be deadly, especially for babies and young children. Some people may have complications, such as pneumonia, an infection of the lungs, and encephalitis, swelling of the brain. Measles may cause pregnant women to give birth early or have a low-birth-weight baby.

For the vaccines, there are two possible doses you can take, one dose of the measles vaccine is 93 percent effective. The recommended two doses are 97 percent effective in preventing measles. The first dose is normally given at about 12 months, and the second at 4 to 6 years. The CDC recommends that people who have not been vaccinated get two doses, at least 28 days apart.

Measles is highly contagious. If one person has it, up to 90 percent of the people who are close to that person or who walk through the same area and are not immune may become infected.

In this political cartoon, you see a mom fighting against vaccines saying that the support for no vaccines is spreading. Then in the next frame over you see a boy you presume to be her son sick in bed saying that something is spreading for sure. This cartoon is ironic because the mom is fighting against vaccines and it's because of a lack of vaccine that the boy is sick.

Main Source: Post, Washington. “Contagious Measles Cases at Highest Incidence Rate in 25 Years.” Newsela, 14 May 2019,
Other Source: Mukherjee, Sy. “The Anatomy of an Anti-Vaxxer.” Fortune, 13 May 2019,

Friday, May 10, 2019

Plastic banned in India

The Southernmost part of India Bans 14 types of Plastic

By: Mia DeAmicis

Background: India is a country located in the southern half of Asia. About 1.4 billion people live in India, and 1.5 million people visit India every year as tourists. People go to India to see the many famous palaces, including the Taj Mahal and the Amber Palace. But one other reason why people go to India is the interest in high-end and unique shopping. The most common items that people go to India to buy is the Indian clothing, jewelry, and tea. But the more people come to India the most bags need to be made to carry all the items that are sold. With tons of plastic being used in India every year, people have started mistreating the plastic when they dispose of them. This causes pollution in India and has been causing major problems in the Southern region. They are getting to the point where they can not support the amount of plastic bags.

Image result for india
The Taj Mahal in Agra, India

What's Happening: Currently, India is having many of the tourists leaving their plastic bags around the cities, and not in recycling bins where they can be re-used. Less than a fifth of all plastic that is used globally is recycled, and that's less than 10 percent in the United States. A city in India called  Tamil Nadu banned over 14 types of plastic in the city. It is home to nearly 68 million people, and the word of the banned plastic spread all over the Southernmost part of India. Eventually, Tamil Nadu became part of an ambitious national campaign to get rid of the world's plastic waste. India also hosted the United Nations'  World Environment Day, and the Prime Minister Narendra Modi announced an intention to get rid of single-use plastic by 2022.

Image result for plastic bags in india
Local people in India picking up thousands of plastic
bags tossed on the ground

My Opinion: I think that banning the plastic in India will help reduce the amount of waste in India and the overall environment. They will have o find a way to control the amount of people that come into India and the amount of plastic that is brought in by tourists, because that is a big part of the problem. Despite all this, I think that this is a great start to finding a solution to fix the plastic problem. India taking action will hopefully inspire other countries to do the same.

Image result for environment in india
An image of India with a clean environment

Related to Social Studies: This topic relates to social studies because in this previous unit, we have been talking about how to keep our world sustainable. Sustainable means keeping something at a certain rate or level, and in this case, keeping our earth healthy. One way that we have learned that we can keep our world sustainable is to lower the amount of pollution that we put into the earth, air, and oceans. If plastic usage goes down in India, and all over the world, it would make it more sustainable for people and animals.


Main Articl: Yasaswini Sampathkumar, "Plastic bans spread in India. Winners and losers aren't who you'd expect", National Geographic, np, February 8, 2019, May 8, 2019.

Tuesday, May 7, 2019

AG William Barr Testified Before Congress on Wednesday

By Nathanael Ren

Well, what’s going on?

It’s all about the Mueller report.

The Mueller report is a report on whether if there collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia. Former Attorney General Jeff Sessions was the one who ordered this investigation. (Jeff Sessions was eventually fired.)

Collusion is cooperation. In this case, it’s cooperation between the Trump campaign and Russia to help the Trump win. The report found no collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia.

Because no collusion was found, Democrats aren’t very happy. The attorney general (William Barr) released a redacted version, with certain parts not included due to confidentiality issues. The Democrats want the full, unredacted version to see if they can find anything else that might be used against President Trump.

So, what happened?

Barr went on the offense.

Surprisingly, the Attorney General not only stood his ground but attacked the Democrats. He accused the Democrats of using the Criminal Justice process as “a weapon.” This would be considered revenge, mainly on the House Democrats, because they want to subpoena the Attorney General to get the full, unredacted version.

Senators like Ted Cruz and Lindsey Graham (both Republicans) came to the defense of the Attorney General, possibly hurting their reelection bid due to the fact that there are Democrats who would’ve preferred them to remain neutral. Also, some Democrats, most of them on the 2020 Presidential election ballot, really went on the offense (even saying that he lied and should resign, in addition for asking for his notes) against the attorney general, definitely gaining them more support on the far-leaning liberal side.

Russia, as the main source being investigated in the report, was probably very closely watching this testimony. This means a lot to them as if it goes bad, it certainly could get tariffs slapped onto its imports and exports. Luckily for them, it went very nicely.

The testimony lasted in total for 5.5 hours and Barr stood up to all of the questions perfectly fine, so (in my opinion) this would be a win for both Barr and the GOP.

What effect does this have?Internationally

This further demonstrates Globalization, with other countries intervening in other countries’ elections, and what other countries can do, compared to just plain old desperation. This, however, also demonstrates personal opinion, with Putin going far lengths to get Trump elected President. Based on the testimony, Russia may be feeling confident again and may influence other countries into hacking or investigating hacking. Russia, however, after seeing the report will be more careful with what they do to avoid being caught again.


Image result for ag barr testimonyThis shows which Republicans are really far Republicans, coming into the defense of Barr and maybe actually attacking the Democrats. This also shows that while the Democrats are very good at grilling Barr, Barr is able to come back and is really good at testifying.

Either way, this could be good or bad for Trump. If all of this is true, then this is a big win for the President. This also shows he has appointed a good AG. It looks like Barr is willing to go to far lengths to defend the President.

Barr was supposed to testify in front of the House Judiciary Committee, but he did not even show up. This shows that he is for sure willing to take risks, especially with testifying and the law. Democrats have threatened to subpoena him and then hold him in contempt to get the whole Mueller report.

What does this mean for Trump and the rest of his presidency?

In my opinion

After this, it is quite apparent that Trump has chosen a very good AG. Because of this, Trump is very unlikely to get charged with any crimes, or impeached for the matter of fact, during his presidency, so he temporarily is safe,

What is the next step for the report and for Barr? Was there any international influence?

Barr has control (In my opinion)

During his testimony, Barr has said that the redacted report is the most he can release, and the DOJ is out of the issue. It’s up to the people to decide what they think.

However, there always is a chance that Russia had something to do with it. Russia has definitely done illegal business dealings and has had communication with Trump campaign officials, as that’s what the Mueller report was all about, so Russia could’ve easily communicated with Barr about this. However, I feel that that is highly unlikely as Russia has learned their lesson.

Especially after he did not show up to the testimony he was supposed to go to, he can certainly not release the full Mueller report, especially since there are regulations for that, and he can use laws to come to his defense. I also believe that a less redacted version of the report will be released, but definitely not the whole thing. I think that this will be the end of a saga that has haunted President Trump for the past 2 years, and he can finally get some temporary relief.

Works Cited

“Congress's Subpoena Power Is Not What It Used to Be.” The Washington Post, WP Company, 3 Apr. 2019,
Pappas, Alex. “Barr Accuses Dems of Using Criminal Justice Process as 'Political Weapon,' as Hearing Tensions Flare.” Fox News, FOX News Network,
Re, Gregg. “Barr Not Expected to Testify before House Judiciary Committee, as Dems Vow to Hold Hearing Anyway.” Fox News, FOX News Network,

Friday, May 3, 2019

Fire at Notre-Dame Cathedral

The Notre-Dame

The Notre-Dame Cathedral was built in the 12th and 13th century and is considered the most famous of the Gothic cathedrals of the middle ages. It is on the Ile de la Cité an island in the Seine river in Paris, France. It is a major tourist site due to the architecture, stain glass windows, and religious importance. The Notre-Dame had faced damage through the centuries and was under construction.

    The Fire
The fire happened on Monday, April 12, 2019. Investigators believe that the fire started at the center of the cathedrals roof right at the base of the spiral. The cause of the fire is not known but many theories have arisen. Some say the fire could have potentially been due to the construction of the cathedral. Others say that it might have been related to the elevators built for the workers but no other information was stated. The police also stated that the fire alarms had a possible problem. Another source stated that the fire could have been caused by a short-circuit near the spire possibly from the electric bells. This source also states that the fire could have been due to the construction workers carelessness because of the discovery of cigarette butts. The fire burned two thirds of the roof to the ground. Although the fire was devastating no deaths were recorded in the fire.

The French president Emmanuel Macron called to unify to rebuild the cathedral. "We are rebuilders," he said. "There's a great deal to be rebuilt. And we will make the cathedral of Notre Dame even more beautiful. We can do this and we will mobilize everybody." He says he wants to complete the rebuilding in five years but architects say it could take decades. However there are still risks that could endanger the cathedral even more.  

The Global Input and Connection to social studies

The world reacted almost immediately after the news of the fire started. Parisians and tourists from around the world had watched in horror Monday evening as flames tore down the world famous roof. More than 700 million dollars in donations poured in the day after the fire. The whole world is committed to helping rebuild. This connects to the globalization unit of social studies. The news that the Notre-Dame was on fire spread around the world in an instant and by the next day 700 million dollars poured in to help.


Although this is a tragedy it is good to see that everyone responded in a beneficial way.  The thing is, in our world today we need something to go wrong to make it right. With that 700 million dollars we could have taken away the great pacific garbage patch. Or we could have helped pollution in China. Or we could have taken steps to help global warming. Instead, something majorly wrong has to happen for us to try and make it right.



Notre-dame Fire Investigators Focus on Short-circuit and Cigarettes

History Turns To Ashes As Paris' Notre Dame Cathedral Suffers Massive Fire

Notre Dame Fire Started At the Center Of the Cathedral's Roof, Says Police Source

Notre-dame De Paris

Day After Devastating Notre Dame Cathedral Fire, Millions in Donations Pour in

Wednesday, March 6, 2019

Toxic Moonshine in India

Toxic Moonshine in India
Blog written by: Boomikha

How does this relate to Social Studies?
This entire conflict is related to the standard of living that we learned in our spatial inequality
unit. If a part of the population wasn’t in poverty in India with a low standard of living,
they would not have turned to cheap alcohol called moonshine. If they did this, these people
would have consumed government manufactured alcohol. Because of this, these poisoned
victims would not have suffered.

The first incident occurred in 2011 in West Bengal with 168 casualties. This repeated four years later in 2015 in a Muslim slum with more than 100 people left poisoned and suffering. This event took place in February of 2019 with 133 people dead and left many poisoned.

The Conflict in the Past, Present, and Future:
This isn’t the first time people have been poisoned by this moonshine. The deadliest incident
of all was in 2011 with at least 168 people dead from alcohol poisoning in West Bengal. Four
years later, in 2015, more than 100 people were affected from drinking moonshine in a
Muslim slum. This outbreak occurred in February of 2019 that has affected 133 people dead
and many more left hospitalized. These victims were tea plantation workers from the Uttar
Pradesh and Uttarakhand states. Nobody knows who mainly caused it, but we do know why
these tea plantation workers chose to drink this toxic moonshine.

Well, what is moonshine? Moonshine is cheap alcohol manufactured in small, rural villages. Afterwards, the moonshine is smuggled and sold to people in poverty that can’t afford the government manufactured alcohol. These manufacturers advertise the illegal alcohol as a “country-made liquor.” Manufacturers also claim that they sent the alcohol for “testing.”
Moonshine that was smuggled from villages and sold to the tea plantation workers.
This is one of many outbreaks in India that have happened, so these incidents will continue to occur in the future unless action is taken. Further steps can be taken with stricter alcohol and drinking laws.

What kind of problem does moonshine show?
People are only turning to moonshine because they can’t afford to buy safe governmental
manufactured alcohol at approximately thirty cents a glass. A glass of moonshine is a third
of this price at only ten cents a glass. But this isn’t the only reason.

Another reason is because this moonshine is deadly. This illegal beverage contains revolting,
disgusting ingredients such as rubbing alcohol and methanol. Methanol poisoned patients
feel dizzy, confused, drowsy, have headaches, and lose the ability to have
muscle coordination.
A poisoned tea plantation worker being treated at a local hospital

What would happen if the moonshine was around the same price as government

manufactured, legal alcohol?
These people in poverty with a low standard of living would have turned to another
substance. Some may have stopped altogether, but others would find a replacement for
moonshine as an alcoholic beverage. If the price of moonshine was the same as legal alcohol
in India, this entire conflict would have probably never have happened or would have
occurred with another substance that wasn't moonshine.
Safe, legal alcohol manufactured by the government of India. Costs 30 cents. People in poverty can't afford this so they turn to moonshine.

My Opinion

I’m no expert when it comes to alcohol and toxic beverages. I just think that the fact the moonshine was sent in for “testing” was cruel with an outcome that cost many people their lives and risked their health.  Also, if it is toxic, why would you drink it? I would just steer clear of anything that is toxic or poisoned.

Works Cited

Main Article: Gupta,Swati. “Toxic moonshine kills 133 people and leaves hundred hospitalized in India.” CNN, Accessed 4 March 2019.

Kapur, Mallika. “Toxic moonshine kills at least 94 in India and lands 150 in the hospital.” CNN News, Accessed 3 March 2019.

T, Buddy. “Moonshine Can Still Cause Health Problems.” Very Well Mind, Accessed 3 March 2019.

Kapur, Mallika. “Toxic moonshine kills 102 in Mumbai slum.” MyPanHandle,
Accessed 6 March 2019.

Trimble, Michaela. “What Is Moonshine Cocktails?” Tasting Table, Accessed 6
March 2019.